Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: Four Keys For Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment

Jennifer Eubanks recently authored the council post, Four Keys For Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment
“When the Covid-19 pandemic started and businesses sent employees home in March 2020, there were many unanticipated consequences. Many businesses were not prepared for a virtual environment and the challenges of having remote workers. Even fewer businesses were prepared to onboard new employees in a remote environment.
As our organization navigated the transition to working from home, we created a task force to address the question of how best to onboard new employees after several failed onboarding attempts. The task force identified several changes to our processes, which we continued to hone over subsequent months. This article outlines the lessons learned and the practices we found successful, which could help your organization, too..”
Read on as Jennifer Eubanks, Founder and CEO of CPA Department, shares tips about growing and leading small businesses in this Forbes feature article.