George Mason University GovCon Center Names Jennifer Eubanks of CPA Department to Advisory Board and Accounting Committee

George Mason University’s School of Business has announced the addition of Jennifer Eubanks, CPA to the advisory board of its Center for Government Contracting.
“These additional appointments continue our efforts to diversify the composition of the center’s board, from small to large firms, whether products or services, and with business and government representation,” Jerry McGinn, executive director of the Center for Government Contracting, said in a statement released Tuesday.
“These new members add to the rich ecosystem of thought leadership to help drive future center research and events on topics of great interest to the GovCon community,” he added.
nAs a George Mason University alumnus, Jennifer Eubanks, owner of CPA Department, has a passion for supporting the future of George Mason University, and accounting education. s Given her expertise in government contracting, experience as a former auditor for DCAA, where she performed contract audits, the appointment was an exciting opportunity. U. As Jerry explained, this will be a hub for industry, academia and the government agencies that spend upwards of $500 billion a year for services from technology to catering.
Ms. Eubanks additionally participates on the Accounting committee on behalf of the Board, with a mission of identifying how GMU can best serve their students and the government contracting community.