
Expanding Your Business to New Markets

CPA Department offers international tax services for foreign investors, nationals, and expatriates. Learn more about how we can help you below.



  • IMA


US Expatriates:

US Citizens and green card holders living outside the US are required to file US tax returns, reporting worldwide income, and in some cases may take advantage of tax credits.  We work with US Expatriates to maximize Foreign Earned Income and Housing Exclusions as well as Tax Credits.


US Businesses Owned by Non-US Individuals or Businesses:

Global growth opportunities have changed how companies view the world and conduct business. We help non-US residents expand into the US. We’ll assist with setup of US companies and ongoing compliance with US tax requirements.


Learn how our firm has been helping firms like you for 30+ years.


  • Contact Us

    Please contact us to learn more about how we might help you with your government accounting or contracting needs.

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