Trade Associations, COVID-19 and the CARES Act

Read about how cares-act can help trade-associations.

We know there isn’t any industry unaffected by COVID-19.  That said, there’s been little discussion of the impact of the pandemic on trade associations.  Trade associations are known for their role in providing information, support, advocacy, and training to industry members and to the professionals employed in those industries. They provide important information and resources,…

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2020 Year-end Charitable Giving Tax Incentives for Individuals

Charitable giving Tax Incentives individuals 2020

Given that the 2019 tax reform act reduced the domestic corporate tax rate to 21%, far less than the top individual marginal tax rate of 37%, charitable giving opportunities at the individual level may provide potentially more tax savings for individual taxpayers than for corporate taxpayers.  Noteworthy individual tax-saving opportunities for year-end charitable giving include:…

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Top 7 reasons companies Outsource Accounting and Back-office functions

Woman Counting Money

By Jennifer Eubanks   1. Competent financial management, reporting, and guidance.  Businesses need to have competent financial management, reporting, and guidance so the management team can focus on operations.   2. Businesses need the right people. Some 70 percent of KPMG survey respondents said they are outsourcing accounting to get access to better talent. This helps clients focus on their business instead…

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