
Shaping the Future with Innovation

High-tech industries thrive amidst constant changes and face many challenges. Well-managed organizations are capitalizing on opportunities and successfully tackling competition, profitability, growth, and other issues affecting their businesses.

CPA Department assists high-tech organizations to better understand and overcome common business problems and those unique to their trade. We have a broad base of client experience, technical skills, and financial expertise.



  • IMA
  • SBTC
  • NSBA


Our Comprehensives Services:

  • Royalty compliance
  • Systems and procedures implementation
  • Financial forecasts and budgets
  • Accounting and tax treatment of research and development
  • R&D credit consulting
  • Strategic planning
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Corporate and sales tax nexus issues
  • Employee stock options and other benefit plans
  • Revenue recognition compliance
  • Internal audit and business advisory services


Our Professional Services Clients:

  • Cybersecurity
  • IT services
  • Research and development
  • Equipment Resellers


Learn how our firm has been helping firms like you for 30+ years.


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