Help for Small Businesses in VA

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam released Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Rapid Response funding to support Northern Virginia employers to remain open during this emergency. The funds are intended to assist local employers to avert layoffs and support other operational needs. These strategies and activities are designed to prevent, or minimize the duration of, unemployment resulting from layoffs due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Northern Virginia businesses with less than 250 employees are eligible to apply for up to $25,000 in grants.
Acceptable use of funds include:
- a cleaning/sanitization service.
- the purchase of software/programs that employees would need to use from home to support their work.
- the purchase of remote access supplies, including laptop computers and/or smart phones, which the employees would need to use from home to support their work.
- other innovative methods that keep businesses open and workers employed
Click on link below for more information.