GovCon 101: What Contractors Should Know About Accounting For Government Contracts

GovCon 101: What Contractors Should Know About Accounting For Government Contracts

Jennifer Eubanks recently authored the council post, GovCon 101: What Contractors Should Know About Accounting For Government Contracts In a prior article, I wrote about the appeal of counting the Federal Government as a customer, because of the size of the government’s budget, as well as its creditworthiness. In that article, I discussed Federal Acquisition Regulations…

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Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 16 Essential Elements Business Leaders Should Include In Every Financial Disaster Plan

Expert Panel of Forbes Finance Council

Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to a council post, 16 Essential Elements Business Leaders Should Include In Every Financial Disaster Plan The Covid-19 pandemic opened many business owners’ eyes to the financial challenges that can hit them during a national or global crisis. If they didn’t already know, leaders are now very aware of the need…

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Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: What Prospective Contractors Need To Know When Preparing To Bid For A US Federal Government Contract

What Prospective Contractors Need To Know When Preparing To Bid For A US Federal Government Contract

Jennifer Eubanks was recently featured on Forbes with her article: What Prospective Contractors Need To Know When Preparing To Bid For A US Federal Government Contract It can be appealing to count the federal government as a customer. The government spends significantly each year and pays its bills. Furthermore, government spending typically increases in times…

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Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 14 Important Financial Steps When Bringing On Remote Staff From Different Locations

Important Financial Steps When Bringing On Remote Staff From Different Locations

Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to a council post, 14 Important Financial Steps When Bringing On Remote Staff From Different Locations With more and more companies implementing permanent remote work policies, businesses are widening their talent pool to find the best people for the job, regardless of location. As businesses expand their remote teams by adding new members…

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Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: Why Leadership Intent Matters

Why Leadership Intent Matters

Jennifer Eubanks recently authored the council post, Why Leadership Intent Matters. Last year was when I decided to begin studying leadership with the intention of honing my personal leadership capability and that of the management team at my company, particularly considering the many challenges posed by the pandemic. In the search for literature and training,…

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Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: Four Keys For Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment

Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment

Jennifer Eubanks recently authored the council post, Four Keys For Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment “When the Covid-19 pandemic started and businesses sent employees home in March 2020, there were many unanticipated consequences. Many businesses were not prepared for a virtual environment and the challenges of having remote workers. Even fewer businesses were prepared…

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Jennifer Eubanks Featured Article: Considering Full-Time Freelancing? 15 Important Financial Tips To Remember

Considering Full-Time Freelancing 15 Important Financial Tips To Remember

Jennifer Eubanks recently authored the council post, Considering Full-Time Freelancing? 15 Important Financial Tips To Remember “The gig economy is growing as more skilled professionals opt for the flexibility that comes with freelancing. The ability to work where, when and how often you choose—as well as the freedom to turn down projects that don’t interest you—can be…

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Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 11 Ways for Financial Leaders to Improve Company Health and Guide Overall Strategy

Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to the expert panel council post 11 Ways for Financial Leaders To Improve Company Health And Guide Overall Strategy A company’s leadership team may be well informed about industry trends, consumer behaviors and the latest technology tools, but if they don’t have expert financial guidance, the company is likely to get into trouble. Businesses rely on the expertise of their financial leaders to help steer decisions and improve overall strategy. There are many ways financial leaders can help with monitoring their company’s health and making adjustments or plans for the future—including some that businesses often overlook. Read on to discover firsthand insights and trends from successful finance executives from Forbes Finance Council, including Jennifer Eubanks, Founder and CEO of CPA Department. Read more

Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to the expert panel council post 11 Ways for Financial Leaders To Improve Company Health And Guide Overall Strategy  A company’s leadership team may be well informed about industry trends, consumer behaviors and the latest technology tools, but if they don’t have expert financial guidance, the company is likely to get into…

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Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 14 Best Practices to Help Business Owners Manage Cash Flow

Forbes Finance Council

Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to the expert panel council post  14 Best Practices To Help Business Owners Manage Cash Flow. “While many business owners and entrepreneurs have a good grasp of the importance of sales and profit, they may not understand why it’s essential to stay on top of cash flow. Understanding operational cash flow…

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Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: Three Ways Today’s Accounting Professionals Can Increase Their Value

Businessman presenting to co-workers with tablet

Jennifer Eubanks recently authored the council post, Three Ways Today’s Accounting Professionals Can Increase Their Value. “Many accounting professionals spend significant time preparing financial statements, conducting audits, and preparing tax returns. All of these activities look historically at transactions and focus on compliance requirements of the organization such as submitting financial statements to investors or…

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