
working through dcaa post award audits

What Are the 5 Most Common DCAA Post-Award Audits for DoD Government Contractors?

By Jennifer Eubanks | January 26, 2022
glossary of key dcaa terminology

Key DCAA Terms to Understand for Contractors

By Jennifer Eubanks | January 12, 2022

Jennifer Eubanks Featured Article: 15 Ways Businesses Can Survive A Recession

By Jennifer Eubanks | November 23, 2021
government contractor preparing for pre-award survey with DCAA

What Happens During a Pre-Award Survey With DCAA?

By Jennifer Eubanks | November 9, 2021
Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment

Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: Four Keys For Successful New Employee Onboarding In A Remote Environment

By Jennifer Eubanks | August 31, 2021
Considering Full-Time Freelancing 15 Important Financial Tips To Remember

Jennifer Eubanks Featured Article: Considering Full-Time Freelancing? 15 Important Financial Tips To Remember

By Jennifer Eubanks | August 21, 2021
Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to the expert panel council post 11 Ways for Financial Leaders To Improve Company Health And Guide Overall Strategy A company’s leadership team may be well informed about industry trends, consumer behaviors and the latest technology tools, but if they don’t have expert financial guidance, the company is likely to get into trouble. Businesses rely on the expertise of their financial leaders to help steer decisions and improve overall strategy. There are many ways financial leaders can help with monitoring their company’s health and making adjustments or plans for the future—including some that businesses often overlook. Read on to discover firsthand insights and trends from successful finance executives from Forbes Finance Council, including Jennifer Eubanks, Founder and CEO of CPA Department. Read more

Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 11 Ways for Financial Leaders to Improve Company Health and Guide Overall Strategy

By Jennifer Eubanks | August 12, 2021
Forbes Finance Council

Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 14 Best Practices to Help Business Owners Manage Cash Flow

By Jennifer Eubanks | July 30, 2021
Businessman presenting to co-workers with tablet

Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: Three Ways Today’s Accounting Professionals Can Increase Their Value

By Jennifer Eubanks | July 30, 2021

Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 11 Expert Tips For Young Professionals Just Starting In The Financial Sector

By Jennifer Eubanks | July 16, 2021
How to Prepare for the Pre-Award Survey

How to Prepare for DCAA Pre-Award Survey

By Jennifer Eubanks | April 13, 2021
how work from home affect this years tax returns

How Work From Home Might Affect This Year’s Tax Returns

By Jennifer Eubanks | March 11, 2021

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