Jennifer Eubanks Contribution to Forbes Expert Panel: 14 Important Financial Steps When Bringing On Remote Staff From Different Locations

Jennifer Eubanks recently contributed to a council post, 14 Important Financial Steps When Bringing On Remote Staff From Different Locations
With more and more companies implementing permanent remote work policies, businesses are widening their talent pool to find the best people for the job, regardless of location. As businesses expand their remote teams by adding new members from across the nation and the globe, they must stay on top of multiple sets of labor laws and tax regulations.
It’s important for business leaders to review their financial policies to operate effectively, legally and profitably with a widespread remote team. From deciding on a fair pay scale to understanding state-specific laws, below 14 Forbes Finance Council members share important financial steps for businesses that want to bring on remote team members from outside their headquarters location.
Read on as successful finance executives from Forbes Finance Council, including Jennifer Eubanks, Founder and CEO of CPA Department, share financial tips for young professionals just starting in The Financial Sector.