Jennifer Eubanks Forbes Feature Article: What Prospective Contractors Need To Know When Preparing To Bid For A US Federal Government Contract

Jennifer Eubanks was recently featured on Forbes with her article: What Prospective Contractors Need To Know When Preparing To Bid For A US Federal Government Contract
It can be appealing to count the federal government as a customer. The government spends significantly each year and pays its bills. Furthermore, government spending typically increases in times of economic downturn, making selling to the government an excellent guard against future recession.
The government marketplace is different in the commercial space, and those new to government contracting would be wise to obtain some basic knowledge about the regulations that govern government buying as well as contractor performance on contracts. It’s also wise to understand the contract types issued by the government and how they impact risk, compliance and profitability.
As the founder and CEO of a boutique CPA firm serving government contractors and commercial businesses, I’m going to share the ins and outs of what prospective contractors need to know when preparing a federal government contract bid.